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Bruna's Father, circa mid-20th century, Mozambique.  Bruna recalls, "We did not hunt for sport.  We hunted for food...for survival.  We respected nature.  I believe that my love of wildlife began during my precious time in Africa."


A few minutes spent with Bruna Christian and you realize that she is exactly the same as her beautiful paintings:  bright, colorful, and full of life.

Born in Mozambique in the mid-20th century, Bruna recalls a life that inspired her love affair with nature, wildlife and tribal peoples.  Times were not always easy in Africa, but it was that very fact that taught her to look for and find the beauty that exists all around her - a skill that has served her well in her artistry.  

Bruna Christian, Original Signed Oil Paintings, Wildlife, Nature, Indigenous

Although they have lived all over the world, Bruna did not start painting until she and her husband moved to the United States, but once she started, she never stopped.  Bruna and her husband currently reside on the Gulf Coast of Alabama with her sons close enough to visit regularly, and everywhere she looks, she says she finds inspiration for her paintings.  

Bruna's process allows her to completely submerse herself in her current subject matter.   When she sees something that captures her eye, she may take over a hundred photographs of the subject.  She then studies these pictures and picks the ones that best meet her vision.  Using these selected few as a base, she then creates a vibrant composite image that matches what she originally envisioned.  Each original work of art is a 

days-long process, with every detail painstakingly recreated from life itself.

Ask anyone who is drawn to Bruna's work and invariably you will hear them talk about the way she captures the eyes of her subjects.  Bruna pays special attention to the eyes, as she says that they are a window to the soul. Whether her subject is an American Indian, a bald eagle, or a lion, you feel as if she has managed to capture their very essence on her canvas.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Bruna, however, is that she still considers herself a student. Despite her obvious talent and the sheer number of years she has spent perfecting her craft, she insists that she is still continually learning.  She loves to go and study with the Masters, and each time returns with something new and fresh that she can then bring to her own canvases.  She says that she will never stop learning, and would never want to.

We thank you for visiting her website and invite you to lose yourself for a time in the world of Bruna's art.

Some images from a Recent Gallery Exhibit featuring Bruna . . .

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